Today is the deadline for all universities and polytechnics to hand in their proposals for the refomulation of courses. Some of us haven't had anything to do with the process. I don't know what decisions have been made about the discipline I teach, nor how it has been reformulated - or even if it is to be part of the curriculum. Nothing in my experience of life, learning, education and research would lead me to imagine that excluding people from a process in which they have something to offer and in which their lives are invested will be sustainable
Categories: Reflections
Tags: educaçãosuperior bolonha
"Estas páginas formam o portfólio da tese de doutorado de Marcelo Stein de Lima Sousa, estudante de doutorado do Programa de Pós-Graducação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (MADE) da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPr) e professor da Universidade, Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPr)."
O nosso ensino universitário é ainda largamente baseado no modelo da «infecção»: os estudantes são «infectados» nas aulas teóricas e práticas e os exames servem para testar a extensão da «infecção» com base em problemas convergentes. Este modelo não prepara os estudantes para os problemas abertos (e ambíguos) que são o quotidiano destes sectores. Não os habitua também ao stresse do trabalho diário: a maioria dos nossos estudantes estuda (porque só tem que estudar) na véspera dos exames. Tem ainda o efeito perverso de não permitir que os estudantes criativos e visionários se destaquem.I think this is a really important observation. I don't see many people running the show prepared for open and ambiguous problems. What's more, anything open and ambiguous, let alone creative and visionary, has to be kept under the carpet in case it upsets the status quo. Even worse, if you are "caught" doing it, you can be sure that someone who thinks they knows will put you right and tell you how to run your discipline correctly. What's more, they'll tell you that you've now got to do it properly in line with Bolonha!
O modelo de «imersão» à alternativa: trabalho árduo avaliado diariamente e abertura a problemas divergentes, incluindo projectos exploratórios. Este é o modelo seguido nas principais universidades americanas com os resultados no sector tecnológico que se conhecem.
Technorati Tags: learning
when you comment on student writing as a reader, the students read your comments because they do not remind them of what they did wrong, or what they should have done, or what they need to do next time. Instead, they see comments that focus on ideas, that recognize the voice of the writer and the effort behind that voice.
Not only does it give me feedback as it happens, rather than once a term or semester evaluation but it affected the students too. They read my weekly feedback to theirs so they realised I was sensitive to their learning AND they saw how common difficulties were followed up by alternative explanations by me, of their problematic experience. Additionally it has helped me deliver new material to the next cohort of students informed by the CIQ. I've copied and pasted it in below but leave much more white space than this suggests ..."And this is his questionnaire (shared with permission):
A Critical Incident Questionnaire
Please take about 5 minutes to respond to each of the questions below about this week's class. Don't put your name on the form ~ your responses are anonymous ~ but agree an ID between you so you can collect the returned CIQs next week. When you have finished writing put your form on the table by the door. At the start of next week's class, I will be sharing the responses with the group. Thanks for taking the time to do this. What you will write will help me make the class more responsive to your concerns and you can place this in your portfolio as evidence of your ongoing learning.
1. At what moment in the session did you feel most engaged with what was happening?
2. At what moment did you feel most distanced from what was happening?
3. What action that anyone took did you find most affirming and helpful?
4. What action that anyone took did you find puzzling or confusing?
5. What, about the session this week, surprised you the most?
(this could be something about your own reactions to what went on, or
something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you)
"Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher" (Stephen D. Brookfield)
Technorati Tags:actionresearch
ESTADO DE CHOQUE «Gravar e imprimir um texto, aceder à Internet, fazer uma pesquisa ou enviar um e-mail são algumas das tarefas que os docentes terão de saber desempenhar» (dos jornais) e o Estado vai pagar os 5,3 milhões de euros às Escolas Superiores de Educação para a formação contínua em informática dos professores do primeiro ciclo. Das duas, uma. A notícia é falsa, é um engano, tudo bem. A notícia é verdadeira -- e acho melhor ficarmos MUITO preocupados.But this isn't just an issue of knowing how to use the technology. It's about people not having an identity or being able to make sense of the Information and Knowledge Society. And that understanding would include having a critical undertanding of English as the lingua franca. While people are locked into a local identity, feeling accountable only to their "quinta" rather than to a wider professional or academic one (i.e. not just an Iberian one) then informâtica (and languages) will have no meaning to them outside the carrying out of their day-to-day tasks. So it's as much about having an identity of participation in the networked economy, as it is about knowing how to use new technologies.
Formação contínua -- e o objectivo final é saber gravar e imprimir e enviar um e-mail? Uáu. E para quê meter as Escolas Superiores (superiores? a ensinar a gravar e imprimir um texto? uáu... estou a-b-s-o-l-u-t-a-m-e-n-t-e siderado com a capacidade das ditas ESE... uáuu... ) a realizar uma tarefa que metade dos alunos de cada um dos citados professores adoraria fazer. E faria a custo zero.