“Our vision is more obstructed by what we think we know than by our lack of knowledge.” Kristen Stendahl


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I couldn't have said it better myself. From Paulo Querido, Mas certamente que sim!
ESTADO DE CHOQUE «Gravar e imprimir um texto, aceder à Internet, fazer uma pesquisa ou enviar um e-mail são algumas das tarefas que os docentes terão de saber desempenhar» (dos jornais) e o Estado vai pagar os 5,3 milhões de euros às Escolas Superiores de Educação para a formação contínua em informática dos professores do primeiro ciclo. Das duas, uma. A notícia é falsa, é um engano, tudo bem. A notícia é verdadeira -- e acho melhor ficarmos MUITO preocupados.
Formação contínua -- e o objectivo final é saber gravar e imprimir e enviar um e-mail? Uáu. E para quê meter as Escolas Superiores (superiores? a ensinar a gravar e imprimir um texto? uáu... estou a-b-s-o-l-u-t-a-m-e-n-t-e siderado com a capacidade das ditas ESE... uáuu... ) a realizar uma tarefa que metade dos alunos de cada um dos citados professores adoraria fazer. E faria a custo zero.
But this isn't just an issue of knowing how to use the technology. It's about people not having an identity or being able to make sense of the Information and Knowledge Society. And that understanding would include having a critical undertanding of English as the lingua franca. While people are locked into a local identity, feeling accountable only to their "quinta" rather than to a wider professional or academic one (i.e. not just an Iberian one) then informâtica (and languages) will have no meaning to them outside the carrying out of their day-to-day tasks. So it's as much about having an identity of participation in the networked economy, as it is about knowing how to use new technologies.

What's more - while learning is seen as merely the acquisition of more information and knowledge (and nowadays competences) rather than an ongoing mix and remix of them, then how can formação continua help people to make sense of the world, which unbeknown to them (especially if they aren't reading much, nor in English) is changing faster than they can ever imagine?

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