“Our vision is more obstructed by what we think we know than by our lack of knowledge.” Kristen Stendahl

About eportfolios

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D'Arcy Norman Dot Net's thoughts on eportfolios:

* ePortfolio as a slice across all of a person’s online works
o blog
o Flickr
o del.icio.us
o …

* use an “eportfolio” tag in all of these tools, and use something like SuprGlu to gather pieces together - Small Pieces Loosely Joined

* foster collaboration/review/reflection

* professional development vs. compliance

o ePortflio as a tool/process - a verb, not a noun. journey, not destination. process, not product
o should be an optional activitiy - force people to do it, and it becomes meaningless
o must be flexible - structure, content, design
o able to opt-out, but you would then lose benefits of community/culture of professional development (but that should be a decision made by the individual)

* ePortfolio as theoretical process
o critical thinking about what best represents you
o pedagogical design/showcase
o can’t be represented by a simple fill-in-the-blanks “template” ePortfolio

* ePortfolio review
o by peers
o to foster discussion/reflection
o how about an “ePortfolio club” where students get together to critique ePortfolios (what goes into them, design, etc…)

* “Mass Amateurization” - where an amateur is able to easily reach ~80% of the quality of a professional, due to increased effectiveness of tools.

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